Monthly Archives: April 2020

Forgiveness – a Devotional

Calvary Chapel Rosarito – English Devotional by Gary Wiram

During the COVID-19 quarantine, Calvary Chapel Rosarito has been providing live streaming topical devotionals every weekday. The video shown above is the devotional from Thursday, April 23rd, 2020, on the topic of Forgiveness. The following, is the full text of that devotional.


Good morning and welcome! I’m very blessed to be with you for this morning’s devotional. If you don’t know me, I’m Gary Wiram and I’m not a Pastor here at Calvary Chapel Rosarito. But, you may be familiar with me and my Wife, Ruth, from seeing us around church. Ruth leads the Monday evening Bible study for English- speaking ladies, called Sister Sojourners. You may have seen me as part of the Connections Ministry in between services on Sundays. And you may be familiar with both of us as the Leaders of the Seniors Ministry known as Legends.


Many of our recent devotionals have focused on topics aimed at helping to get us through this challenging time of COVID-19. This morning I want to offer exhortation to take advantage of this time by dealing with a topic most of us find challenging even during normal times. That topic is Forgiveness.

The aspects of this topic that I want to address this morning are:

  1. God’s forgiveness for us.
  2. Our forgiveness of others.
  3. Forgiveness for the unforgivable.

As we begin, let’s pray for the Lord’s blessing on this time.

Father, thank You for this opportunity to look to You to see how You can make beauty in our lives from the ashes of this current crisis. Give us ears to hear what You want to say on this topic today. And, give us hearts to be obedient to Your direction. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

It seems that it’s a Calvary Chapel Rosarito requirement to include a joke in every teaching so I want to start with this:

Pastor Carlos recently got a pet parrot. Unfortunately, it had a bad attitude and used fowl language … Fowl language, get it?! A Parrot, a Bird, Fowl! … Anyway, Carlos tried everything to change the bird’s attitude and clean up its talk but nothing worked. Finally, in a moment of desperation, he put the parrot in his freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird squawking, kicking and screaming and then, suddenly, all is quiet. He opened the freezer door. The parrot stepped out and said, “I’m sorry that I offended you with my language and actions. I ask for your forgiveness.” Pastor Carlos was astounded at the bird’s change in attitude and was about to ask what changed him when the parrot continued, “By the way, may I ask – what did the chicken do?”


Seriously, I want us to begin by taking a look at God’s forgiveness for us. Of course, understanding God is completely beyond us. And, certainly, God’s forgiveness is too big and too complex for us to fully grasp. But, looking to His Word can help us to get a sense of it.

John 3:16 is probably the most well known of all Scripture, even with unbelievers. It tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Although it’s beyond me to understand why God so loved the world, at least I understand that His love for the world is why He provided for our redemption.

And, Ephesians 1:7 Tells us, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,”

I suspect we’ve all been taught the difference of Grace from Justice and Mercy. Justice is getting what we deserve. We deserve spending eternity in Hell. Mercy is not getting what we deserve. I guess that would be not going to Hell but maybe just ceasing to exist when we die. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve … eternal life in Heaven with God.

Forgiveness is a key element of God’s Grace. It is a gift, as the Scripture says, “according to the riches of his grace,”. This gift is solely from God’s love for us. There was no other pathway to Salvation without it. There’s nothing we could do to earn it and we certainly don’t deserve it. It’s a gift.

And, it is a gift that cost God a great price, a price that is also beyond our understanding … “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses,”.

Those three little words, “through his blood”, don’t seem like enough to fully define the price that God paid for our salvation. A more detailed description would be to say God the Son chose to leave His glory in Heaven, to come to earth, to take on flesh and blood and to live fully as a man only so He could sacrifice that flesh and shed that blood in order that we might have eternal life.  

He gave himself for us. As Romans 8:32 tells us, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

We need to remember that God’s forgiveness is conditional though.

1 John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If we confess our sins” … Repentance of our sins is required by God’s conditional promise. That won’t be a part of our eternal lives because there is no sin in Heaven. But, while living in this sinful world, we need to repent and to do so continually.


Next, I want to address our need to extend Forgiveness to others.

The Scripture we refer to as The Lord’s Prayer, says, “… forgive us our (sins), as we forgive those who (sin)against us.”.

Forgiving others isn’t natural for us but it is tied to our forgiveness from God. Thankfully, as we are forgiven, we are supernaturally given the capacity to forgive.

If, however, we fail to be gracious with that gift, we risk having our grace withdrawn. That is illustrated well in Matthew 18:21-35, the parable of the unmerciful servant. This is the story of a servant whose master forgave a debt he owed that was so great he couldn’t pay it. But then he was unwilling to forgive a small debt that was owed him by another servant. As a result, when the master who had forgiven him his debt learned about this, he turned the unmerciful servant over to the jailers to be tortured.

In addition to facing the challenge that forgiving others isn’t natural, it’s not uncommon for us to find ourselves dealing with having someone repeatedly commit the same sin against us. What in the world do you do about that?! Well, Jesus himself answers that question in a conversation he had with Peter. The account of that, in Matthew 18:21-22, says, “Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.” Peter thought he was being very generous in forgiving someone seven times. That seems pretty good to me too. But Jesus completely blows that out and we need to remember that his 70 times seven doesn’t really mean 490 times. It means there should be no limit to our forgiveness, as is the case with God and our forgiveness.


And if that’s not hard enough, there are those times in life when we have sins committed against us that we view as being unforgivable. We know, from Mark 3:28-29, that for God the only unforgivable sin is grieving the Holy Spirit. So, when we think of forgiving the unforgivable, what we actually have in mind is something that seems unforgivable by us. And, without the supernatural help of God, we may be right.

“… this my Son was dead and is alive again.”

The story of the Prodigal Son may be one that, if we put ourselves in the place of the Prodigal Son’s Father, illustrates circumstances that would be unforgivable by us. And yet, the Father in this story did just that. As you know, this is the story of a young man who demanded his inheritance in advance. He took off with it to “a far country” and after it was gone, in order to survive, he went to work feeding pigs. A Jewish boy couldn’t sink much lower than that. In this story, we aren’t told how the Father felt about this Son when he first left. Maybe, at first, he thought the Son’s sin was unforgivable. We know from Luke 15:24 that he considered him dead. Regardless of that, after the Son had wasted his inheritance with his prodigal living, God brought a famine to drastically change his circumstances and his attitude. So, he returned home, just hoping that his Father might take him in as a servant. If the Father’s attitude needed changing too, apparently, that had happened. He saw his Son returning when he was “still a great way off”. It seems the Father was watching for and praying for his Son’s return. And when the Son returned, the Father celebrated by saying, “… this my Son was dead and is alive again.

With sins of others that seem unforgivable to you, maybe you think, “The story of the Prodigal Son is a nice Bible Story but I’m dealing with issues of real life.” If that’s you, let me share with you a real life story. Much like the miraculous forgiveness that resulted from the famine that God brought about for the Prodigal Son, this is a miraculous story of forgiveness that was brought about as a result of this COVID-19 nightmare. 

This story involves two people who I’ve known since they were a very young married couple. They haven’t been a married couple for a long time and like me, they’re no longer young. But I’ve stayed in touch with them closely enough over the years that I can appreciate their miraculous story. Here are the highlights … or low-lights, depending on your point of view:

  • These two were both raised as Christians but they weren’t walking with the Lord when they met.
  • They married when they were very young and they had a baby almost immediately.
  • Their marriage only lasted a few years. They were just in their twenties when they divorced.
  • For most of the time since then, any relationship they had with each other was hateful. No doubt, they both could have told you numerous reasons to justify the bitterness between them.
  • However, they both maintained good relationships with their child, as well as their grandchildren.
  • Although they both recommitted their lives to the Lord, it has been obvious that they weren’t able to embrace forgiveness for each other.
  • But, they were aware of each other’s return to walking with the Lord and with that, they shared a concern for the salvation of their offspring. That concern was greatly heightened when the COVID-19 nightmare hit and it caused them to reach out to each other.
  • In doing this, they thought that if, for the first time ever, they jointly reached out to their younger generations about the importance of faith at a time like this, it might just be what was needed to get their attention.
  • So, they agreed to do that by sending a jointly composed message to their child and their now-grown grandchildren.
  • Since then, they have used Facebook Messenger to keep the seven people involved tied together and to share encouragement daily.

It’s too early to assess the results of this with  their younger generations but it’s clear that, through this, God miraculously accomplished what had eluded these two accomplishing on their own … their forgiveness of each other.

Since I’ve known these people for so long, I probably think that’s cooler than you do. But, for me, watching this happen has been incredible.

You’ve probably heard it said that forgiven people should be forgiving people. As they say back in Indiana, where I grew up, sometimes that says easy and does hard. When I find myself struggling with this, I find it helpful to play the lyrics of an old hymn called Take Up Your Cross in my head. It goes like this:

“Have you really given everything For the One who gave His all for you? Count the cost, take up your cross and follow Him!”

My encouragement to you today, if you’re troubled with having someone in your life that you haven’t been able to forgive, is this: Stop letting your limitations keep you from getting this done. Turn to your Father in Heaven for His provision. Even if it takes a miracle, He will get it done and He will bless you in the process.

Thank you for sharing this time with me this morning. I pray that it was a blessing to you, as it has been for me. I, truly, look forward to the time when we will, again, be able to do this six feet apart but face-to-face.

And, for now, I’d like to close in the way that we close each of our Legends gatherings. It’s with what is known as the Aaronic blessing.

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make His face to shine upon Thee,
And be gracious unto thee, And be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee,
And give thee peace.

God bless you.

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Filed under Bible, character, Christian Life, Forgiveness, Grace, Justice, Mercy, Today's Good News

Post-COVID-19 Business as Usual

Trump’s “Biggest Decision Ever” – Reopening Business

As it appears the COVID-19 crisis in the U.S. is slowing, perhaps flattening or peaking and on the verge of declining, there has been a lot of discussion around when and how the country should return to “business as usual.” President Donald Trump says deciding when to reopen the country is “the biggest decision I’ve ever had to make.”

Of course, this has been accompanied with the typical chorus of Monday-morning- quarterbacks who are ceaseless Trump opponents. I plan to address that in an upcoming article. Disregarding that for now I will offer my views trusting that the American people who, led by the Trump administration, had achieved the greatest economy in world history prior to the COVID-19 nightmare, will likewise make the best decision on reopening the country.

A Smarter New Business Model or a Return to Greedy Business as Usual?

Mark Cuban – innovation stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak

It seems like a no-brainer to agree with President Trump that it’s desirable for U.S. business to reopen as soon as possible. The key question remaining though is “When?”. For now, I’m trusting that the President is getting this right, being courageous while taking into full consideration the advice of the task force he has put together.

Although Trump is a much smarter business man than I am, I’m not so confident that U.S. business will experience the “V-shaped economic recovery that the President says he expects. Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, who is a part of the President’s task force, has a different view.  He says, “I have no doubt in my mind that we’ll come back and be stronger than ever. But it’s not going to happen immediately.” I’m more in agreement with Cuban’s position and even more so, I agree with him that taking “baby steps” in reopening U.S. business is a superior approach.

Cuban says, “People aren’t going to just venture outside. They’re not going to go to large gatherings. They’re not going to feel confident right off the bat. There’s going to be a lot of trepidation. And that concern is going to lead to people holding back on spending money.” I agree with this reasoning. I believe we should expect U.S. business to rebound more gradually. In addition to that, I think U.S. business should capitalize on its current downtime and coming gradual recovery by preparing to move to a smarter new business model.

In order for U.S. business people to get an understanding of the the smarter new business model I have in mind, I would first ask them to take a look at their current volume of customers. For the most part, that is at or near zero. With that in mind, it’s understandable that businesses whose customers have been absent would want to crowd in as many customers as possible as soon as possible. But, though greed may be natural, often, it isn’t smart. In addition to understanding what Mark Cuban says about customers “… trepidation … And that concern is going to lead to people holding back on spending money”, they should recognize that, through their greed, they could reignite the pandemic and return their customer volume to the bottom. In order to illustrate what I see as a smarter new business model going forward, let me exemplify the way I see it applying to a couple of specific market segments.

Restaurants and Food Services

Already Ahead of the Game?

This market segment has been hit very hard by the COVID-19 nightmare. No doubt, many restaurant owners long for the days when their dining rooms were filled and crowds of people were sitting at the entry way, waiting for seating to become available. As I said earlier, it’s understandable for businesses to want to regain as many customers as possible as soon as possible but having those longed for days as their goal doesn’t seem to be smart. It seems to me that finding a way to reopen in a way that minimizes trepidation and moves towards a new way to maximize the customer base is much smarter. Here’s how that could look:

  • All employees wear masks and gloves and minimize direct contact with customers.
  • Dining rooms are set up in a way that provides appropriate social distancing.
  • All seating is handled via reservation. If immediate seating is unavailable, customers can set a reservation for later or order meals to be picked up or be referred to a partner restaurant.
  • Ordering and paying can be done electronically from dining room tables using systems that are already available.
  • Hand sanitizing available at each table.
  • Instead of having servers bring meals to the tables, at least at first, meals could be picked up and brought to the tables by the customers themselves.

Since I’m not a member of the National Restaurant Association, I don’t really know all the ins and outs of the food service industry. I do know that there are many more aspects of reopening that restaurateurs will need to consider. And, I know there are restaurant types that can’t fit this model. A good example here is buffet style restaurants like Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes. Additionally, there are restaurant types like Sonic who are kind of ahead of the game because they already offer service to diners in their parked cars. With all this understood, I think the above outline can serve as a good starting point for the majority of restaurants.

Sports and Entertainment

The Big A

I have tickets to a Dodgers/Angels game in July. I bought the tickets early when Spring Training was still going on and the game was nearly sold out then. Although I’m still clinging to the thread of a hope that I’ll get to go to this game, I have to admit that I don’t relish the thought of sitting elbow-to-elbow with over 45,000 others, to standing in line with them for food and beverage and especially to sharing the restroom facilities with them. If a rabid Angels fan like me has this sort of “trepidation” about spending time on the hallowed ground of Angels Stadium of Anaheim, I’m confident that many others feel likewise about going to the Big A, as well as other sports and entertainment venues. Here’s my suggestion for how to improve on this, using the Big A as an example.

First of all, the “big bucks” for MLB come from TV. So, step one should be to start getting some televised games played, even if they are in empty stadiums. Although I’ve heard of the possibility of starting a season with all games being played in one state – e.g. Arizona – that has low COVID-19 stats, I don’t favor that idea. Certainly that could be done because fan seating capacity wouldn’t be a factor and that would make more than enough suitable ball fields available. My guess is that one aspect that makes this idea appealing is that it minimizes the exposure of teams to different environments in traveling, dining, housing, etc. My sense is that these considerations can be controlled sufficiently using MLB stadiums while limiting the range of related environments. And, this would set the stage for ways to, again, have fans in attendance.

So, what is the best way to get back to having fans in attendance at the Big A? Whether I (or you) like it or not, I think this has to begin with limiting the crowd size. In addition to that not being ideal for fans, no doubt, it’s not desirable for the businesses that rely on the Big A for their revenue. But, I would remind them, having some fans in the stadium is a great improvement over the number of fans in attendance today … ZERO! Certainly a venue with a seating capacity of over 45,000 has ample room to accommodate schemes that offer appropriate social distancing for the fans.

While my suggestion may work well for the Angels and Angels fans, what about those other businesses that rely on the Big A as the source of their revenue? The truth is that there are some whose businesses will no longer fit the new smarter business model necessitated by the COVID-19 experience. I believe, though, that most of these other businesses can make changes that allow their businesses to survive and eventually, to thrive.

First, lets look at businesses that are necessary for getting fans to and into he stadium. Tickets can already be purchased online. Ticket-taking can be done at the parking lot gate with an adjacent pedestrian portal. Security screening would be a challenge but, as a start, fans could be prohibited from taking anything in to the stadium besides their clothing.

Once fans have found their way to their seats, what about food/beverage and restroom use? Certainly, phone apps can be developed for each stadium that would allow fans to order and pay for food and beverages that could be delivered to their seats. Restroom use isn’t quite as simple but I’m sure appropriate schemes can be developed for managing the number of people allowed in a restroom at a time and appropriately spacing fans who are waiting in a restroom line.

Just as I said about the Restaurant and Food Service industry, I don’t really know all the ins and outs of the Sports and Entertainment business. Certainly, there are many more aspects of reopening that their executives will need to consider. But I do think my ideas here offer some good examples of creative ways to get our Sports and Entertainment venues reopened.

Other for-Profit and Nonprofit Organizations

Surely, the suggestions I’ve offered won’t map to the needs of all organization types. But many of them are in a similar position to the market segments I’ve addressed, to “make lemonade out of lemons.” Another obvious one is the airline industry. For a very long time, their customer base has been begging for more legroom. Here’s a great opportunity to get people flying again and to give them the product they’ve been longing for at the same time. Anyway, getting this right for all market segments is going to require a great deal of creativity on the part of our “Captains of Industry.” I do hope, though, that instead of taking the approach of greedily trying to return to the old business as usual as quickly as possible, they will take a smarter approach to building a new business model that is far superior in the long term.


Filed under Business, Current Events, economy, entertainment, Restaurants, Sports

Beauty for Ashes (III) …

… in the Wake of COVID-19

……. Education Elevated

In this Beauty for Ashes series, I’ve been offering views on how we might leverage the current quarantine of our old “normal” to renew the health of several critical elements of our society. So far, I’ve addressed the importance of restoring the stability of our society’s foundation … the faith found in our houses of worship. And, I’ve taken up the urgency for us to restore the health of our families, as the strength of our social fabric, resting on that firm foundation. The aim of this edition is our education system, the mechanism that serves as the transmission, delivering that strength to the major functional elements of our society.

If it’s not broken …

Marshall Elementary School Math Teacher, Carrie Newton

Far too often, our teachers are blamed for the decline of the education system in the U.S. Typical claims along these lines are that the current crop of teachers aren’t as capable as the teachers we had “back in the day” and that they are overpaid and under worked. Although my career was in business, I spent most of the last decade of my working life in public schools. My experience with teachers during that time was pretty much opposite of these typical claims. Certainly there are exceptions but no more so than you would have found “back in the day.”

A great example of this is Carrie Newton, Math Teacher at Marshall Elementary School in Vancouver, WA. For close to five years, I worked in a classroom next door to Carrie’s. During that time, I wrote an article about her entitled “Train up a child in the way he should go …” If reading that article doesn’t convince you that Carrie exemplifies the superior quality of our education system’s teachers, check out the Math Queen movie above. This is from the YouTube channel that she created in order to continue her students’ math education during her school’s current COVID-19 related shutdown. If you’re concerned about the quality and dedication of teachers in our present education system, one of the best things you can do is to recognize and encourage teachers like Carrie Newton.

If it doesn’t serve its community …

I retired from working in a public school, at the end of the 2018 calendar year. So, I no longer have a direct view of what those who are in charge of running our public schools are doing during their current downtime. From my limited view, it appears that they are facilitating online learning. They’re making sure that every student has online access by distributing iPads or Chromebooks, etc. And, they’re equipping their teachers with the resources they need to deliver their curriculum online. Additionally, it appears that they are working hard to assure that student-families who were relying on meals provided by the schools continue to get the help they need along those lines.

Of course, it’s great that the above-mentioned steps are being taken. But, this downtime offers an opportunity to make sorely needed changes that are much more far reaching. Chief among these is the need for our schools to meet the needs of their community. Generally speaking, the U.S. education system is one-size-fits-all. And, mostly, it reflects the inbred views of national/state/local/district boards of education, determining the heavily politically orientated curriculum to be delivered. The result is that, by and large, employers find the pool of their prospective employees to be ill equipped to meet their performance requirements.

So, if that’s the case, what is a better approach? My recommendation is, if a top-down one-size-fits-all approach is failing, consider a bottom-up custom-fit alternative. Here’s what that means:

Many school districts are structured so that a high school serves a specific geographic area in a community. That high school has several middle schools that feed it and those middle schools each have several elementary schools that feed them. My thought is to set up each of these geographic school entities as a private company. Instead of being part of a school district that makes the decisions for the administration they place in each of their member schools, each of these would be independent, with their administration being composed of representatives from that geographic area’s employers, student-families and educators. Furthermore, funding for each of these entities would come from within that geographic area. Of course, this would take some time to wean off of the current methods of funding. But, it would be an incentive for communities to strive for being assured of getting what they pay for. According to a 2018 article entitled Report: Public School Bloat, Depressing Teacher Pay, Wasted $805 Billion Since 1992, it looks like there’s plenty of money that could be made available for us to work with.

Growth in Education Staffing

It’s a silver-lining, no ifs …

In the Firm Foundation edition of Beauty for Ashes, I noted how the lack of faith-based upbringing negatively impacts our schools. This, as a result of students showing up with little understanding of what they’re there to accomplish. Added to that is the fact that many of these young people lack the development of appropriate behavior habits for a learning environment. Presently, our public schools attempt to address the results of these lacking qualities under the heading of Student Discipline.

My observation from my decade of working in public schools is that this is one of the greatest contributors to the declined status of our current education system. Essentially, what our schools are attempting to do with this is to do the job that families are failing to do in the upbringing of their children. Sadly, the approach our schools are taking with this is failing too and as a result of having to wastefully expend their resources on this, they’re failing at what we’re counting on them to do in the first place … to educate our kids.

One step to resolving this dilemma is for families to return to their Firm Foundation, as outlined in the preceding edition of this series – i.e. to return to being dedicated to caring for each other, their children, their preceding generations and subsequent generations. But, for our schools to eliminate the challenges they currently face as a result of this dedication being greatly lacking in today’s families, they can’t simply assume that their student-families will adhere to this needed caring dedication. They must insist on it.

In order to do this, our schools must first define expectations for student-behaviors. These behaviors must be defined to maximize the efficiency of the resources that the school invests in their students’ education. Likewise they must minimize any distractions from their students’ education. Then, a requirement of student enrollment should be that their families sign off on their agreement to the school’s mandatory expectations for student behaviors. Non-compliance would result in the removal of the student from the school and for the families to take over full responsibility for that students education.

Although having our schools insist on student-families taking responsibility for their students’ behaviors at school is an appropriate step for resolving the dilemma that our schools currently face with Student Discipline, it is an idealistic notion. It begs the question, “What is a better way to manage the behaviors of the current crop of students being sent to our schools by today’s families? Most often, this question results in endless debates pitting today’s methods for Student Discipline against the related practices from “back in the day.” Since I was a public school student “back in the day”, early on in my days as a public school employee, I fell into the trap of this debate. Here’s how:

The school district where I worked did use an approach to Student Discipline that ultimately concluded with expulsions but they were never absolute. An expelled student would, simply be sent to another school for a time. This included being sent to special schools set up, specifically, for students who will not/can not behave appropriately. The steps leading up to expulsion included suspension, various forms of detention, being sent to a “buddy room” and various forms of in-class discipline, including the use of a “resolution room.” Actually, “resolution rooms” or “quiet rooms” have a legitimate function in classrooms for kids with special needs. Mostly, they are meant as a place to put a student to keep them from harming themselves and/or others. When I first heard the term “resolution room”, I thought it was just another step in dealing with Student Discipline that had no real consequences. My reaction was, “We, also, had resolution rooms back when I was in school. Ours looked like a hallway and it looked like the Principal was out there with a paddle. I only visited there once. That’s all it took for me to get the message.”

With that, you may assume that I’m recommending a return to corporal punishment. That was effective and it is Biblical but I don’t think it would be realistic for me to expect today’s society to accept it. However, it is true that the approach to Student Discipline by today’s schools is failing and it needs to be replaced by something that is effective.

Ironically, I believe that the COVID-19 crisis has handed us a great solution. None of our students are in classrooms right now. That includes the students who will not/can not behave appropriately … the very students whose behaviors waste the resources that schools invest in their students’ education and whose behaviors greatly distract from other students’ education, as well as their own. Right now, any education being provided through our public schools is being delivered online.

There is no way to fully know what our world’s “new normal” will look like when the COVID-19 crisis settles down. Perhaps online learning through our public schools will remain as a much more significant factor than it did before the crisis. Maybe public schools will return, as much as possible, to the in-classroom learning we’ve been accustomed to. Regardless, I see online learning as an effective way for our public schools to replace today’s general approach to Student Discipline. It can take the place of a “buddy room” or detentions or suspensions or expulsions, including permanent expulsions when necessary. In any case, it would greatly diminish the burden of this very detrimental issue from our schools and move that responsibility to where it belongs … on to the student-families and the students themselves.

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Filed under church, community, Culture, Current Events, Education, faith, Family, Judeo-Christian values, society

Beauty for Ashes (II)…

… in the Wake of COVID-19

… A Firm Foundation Renewed

The goal of this Beauty for Ashes series is to take a look beyond the COVID-19 crisis to consider how it can serve as a vehicle to make positive changes in our society. In the time immediately preceding this, the world’s current crisis, there were several social issues sorely in need of change. But, typically, time and other resources were too limited to address those needs. Now that many of our “normal” activities have been put on hold, we have more time available to make plans for making those changes.

The first article in this series focused on Families. In that writing, I pointed out that our families, resting on the firm foundation of our communities, was once the strength of our social fabric. With this edition of Beauty for Ashes, I am targeting the importance of restoring the stability of that firm foundation … the faith found in our houses of worship.

The Call to Return to Our Firm Foundation

Legendary Broadcaster Vin Scully offers hope amid COVID-19 crisis

Legendary baseball broadcaster Vin Scully provided a healthy perspective on this in a recent TV interview. With this, he offered an optimistic view, despite the coronavirus pandemic. Now that I have some leisure time and we’re all locked in at home, I read an article and it was talking about what happened to Americans in World War II,” said Scully, a devout Roman Catholic. “It was such a terrible time. Three-quarters of Americans belonged to a house of worship. Today … half of Americans are involved in a house of worship, prior to this pandemic,” he added. “So there’s your answer … Although they might not be able to go to a house of worship, probably more Americans will be praying since World War II. More people will be coming back to the faith,” Scully went on. “And now that this terrible thing is upon us, people might very well get back to the center. And it’s a better world. We’ll see … “

The Universal Value of a Firm Foundation

Some may dismiss Scully’s views and optimism as melancholy, with distorted memories of how things were “back in the day.” What they fail to recognize is that everything good in the world has faith in God as its foundation. The bad in the world, that I and many others have viewed as increasing at an ever accelerating pace, does not share that foundation.

Our families, as pointed out by the first article in this series, are an obvious example of this. Traditionally, faith-based families have consisted of a man and woman, married for life, who were dedicated to caring for each other, their children, their preceding generations and subsequent generations. Moving away from that faith-based foundation has led to countless social ills for our families and individual family members. One of the most significant factors here is that the children of these fractured families no longer have appropriate role models for parenting.

The lack of faith-based upbringing, of course, permeates all of society and impacts it in a negative way. As an example, we have students showing up in our schools today with little understanding of what they’re there to accomplish. Added to that is the fact that many of these young people lack the development of appropriate behavior habits for a learning environment. Of course, these negative factors just get passed along into the workplace and to every other area of their lives, as our children reach adulthood.

Although many who lack faith in God may fail to recognize it, the root of all the world’s moral standards are faith-based. Specifically, they closely conform to the Ten Commandments of the Bible. The first four of the Ten Commandments pertain to man’s relationship with God. So, generally, non-believers have little problem ignoring those. However, the remainder of the Ten Commandments regard man’s relationship with his fellow-man. These are:

  • Honor your father and your mother.
  • You shall not murder.
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • You shall not steal.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • You shall not covet.

Sadly, these once certain aspects of our society’s foundation have become more and more of a slippery slope.

The Call to Restore Our Firm Foundation

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell speaks as President Donald Trump listens during a briefing about the coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House.

MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, at a White House coronavirus briefing, encouraged people to pray during the COVID-19 crisis. He pointed out that prayer was needed after religion has disappeared in public schools. He went on to say, “God has been taken out of our schools and lives, our nation has turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word. Read the Bible and spend time with your families.” Not surprisingly, a largely non-believing press corp has heaped ridicule on Lindell for expressing these views.

First, let me speak to those, whether believers or unbelievers, who doubt Lindell’s implied consequences of his saying “our nation has turned its back on God.” To that I say, consider what God has to say on this topic in Isaiah 59. With that said, my hope is that the conditions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic will make it clear that, if anyone is deserving of ridicule in this, it’s the non-believing press corp, not Mike Lindell. And, with that, it is my prayer that the world will respond to the wisdom of his advice.

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Filed under America’s founding ideals, Bible, character, church, community, Current Events, faith, God, Marriage, media, religion, society, values