Without God

From: Don Merritt

Throughout the history of Man people have tried to outsmart God.  This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone for the history of Man is the history of rebellion against God.Don Merritt article

You  hear this all the time when you see governments trying to silence the Gospel, when you hear scientists trying to explain it away or when you hear of courts trying to rule God out of the public square.  We can see this when watch Hollywood productions that marginalize God and His people, when we study the religions of men and how they try to change the inconvenient facts about God, or when they seek to replace the true God with characters devised by men…  Some of these things can seem persuasive at first, and then you think about it… In the end they don’t ring true; they bring about more questions than they could ever answer and as a result their adherents usually seek to silence any questions by one tactic or another.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan

that can succeed against the Lord.

Proverbs 21:30


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