Tag Archives: fear

1 Samuel 16:7 – Ladies Edition

Old Testament Promises

A Five Minute Devotional

The video shown below is the devotional from January 26th, 2021. The full text of the devotional follows the video.

Calvary Chapel Rosarito – English Devotional by Ruth Wiram


Hello!  My name is Ruth and I would like to share with you Today’s Good News, Ladies Edition!


I want to read to you a poem entitled Judge Not

I was shocked, confused, bewildered

As I entered Heaven’s door,

Not by the beauty of it all,

Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven

Who made me sputter and gasp–

The thieves, the liars, the sinners,

The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade..

Who swiped my lunch money twice.

Next to him was my old neighbor

Who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought

Was rotting away in hell,

Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,

Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, ‘What’s the deal?

I would love to hear Your take.

How’d all these sinners get up here?

God must’ve made a mistake.

‘And why’s everyone so quiet,

So somber – give me a clue.’

‘Hush, child,’ He said, ‘they’re all in shock.

No one thought they’d be seeing you.’


The Bible promise we are studying today is found at the end of the verse in 1 Samuel 16:7. 

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

We tend to judge the character and worth of others by looking at outward appearances. If a person is tall, good-looking, and nicely dressed, then he or she possesses physical qualities that we generally admire and respect. 

But God has the unique ability to see inside a person. 

God knows our true character because He “looks at the heart.”  Moral and spiritual qualities are far more important to God than outward appearance.

The heart in Scripture is a person’s inner moral and spiritual life. The heart is the core, the inner essence of who we are.  A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart.  And the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

My hope and prayer is that when God looks into our hearts, He sees hearts that are seeking Him.


But, how do we seek God With our Whole Hearts?

This is a work of the Holy Spirit.  And I definitely don’t have it all “figured out”! So, if you feel me; like you’re lost in a sea of worldly distractions, and you don’t know how to seek God wholeheartedly, rest assured you are not alone. 

There are three things we can do to seek God whole-heartedly.


One is to approach God with an attitude of fear, reverence, awe and worship.

Do you ever stop and think about how amazing it is that God created you? That He knew you even before you were born?  God created us for a relationship with Him, and He desires our full devotion and adoration.

The second thing we can do to seek God whole-heartedly is to cultivate a humble and repentant heart.

Since we know God is worthy of all praise and glory, we should seek Him with humble hearts. We have all sinned and fallen short of His glory, and yet He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sins. So, if we’re to seek God honestly and openly, we need to confess our sins regularly, repent, and make a sincere effort to turn away from them.

This brings us to our last point; which is to lean on God’s grace

As we’re seeking God, it can be tempting to try and accomplish things in our own strength, like trying to love difficult people, or being more generous with our resources.  But at the end of the day, we find ourselves still falling short.

I can’t tell you how many days I’ve tried to pray continually, or love my neighbors, or stay focused on Jesus, but felt  I was failing miserably.  What I realized is that I was TRYING to do all those things, without seeking God. It’s only when I make a point to come to God first thing in the morning and throughout the day, that I can do these things.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And I can also rest in His Grace and not feel guilty for the areas where I fall short.

If our aim is to genuinely seek Him, we WILL find Him. 

Philippians 1:6 says, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

And that Ladies, is Today’s Good News.

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The lesser of two evils?


Is it just me or do many of you wish that you could find a viable alternative to making a choice between a self-serving inept felon and a volatile ego maniacal jackass, as the next President of the United States? Of course, though sarcastic, that’s a rhetorical question. I know that very many, if not most, of my fellow Americans share a similar view. Later, I’ll offer empirical evidence of that.

Some will suggest that throwing your support to a third-party candidate is a viable alternative. That’s only half true. It is an alternative but it isn’t viable. Regardless of your third-party vote, Clinton or Trump will be the next POTUS and you will have changed nothing.


In order to find a viable alternative to this dilemma, I suggest stepping back and taking a fresh look at our concerns about the nominees of the two major parties. Up to now, I’ve seen this assessment include:

• Choose between the lesser of two evils.
• Are they evil or just flawed?
• Are they unfit or just unacceptable?
• Are they immoral or just unwise?
• The fear of what he says versus the fear of what she does.
• For different reasons, neither can be trusted.

Frankly, I find each of these considerations to be somewhat reasonable. But they don’t really lead to a viable alternative that positively impacts the ongoing devolution in American politics. Ironically, I heard the solution summed up in a statement made by Hillary Clinton that was, as usual, meant to demean Donald Trump. She said,

“We need to stand up as a people and say that America is better than (this)!”

I wholeheartedly agree and absent a truly acceptable alternative candidate, I firmly believe it calls for an unorthodox approach to making the changes so many of us have been crying out for in American politics. It means refusing to continue to vote for “the lesser of two evils” and only voting for candidates who are truly deserving of your vote. What I’m recommending is that all of us who share the frustration expressed in my opening paragraph refuse to vote for any of 2016’s presidential candidates, while voting for every down-ticket candidate who deserves our support. I think of it as  … 

… A Presidential Voters Strike for Our Union.

I know that many will, at least initially, say that my recommendation is crazy, it will effect no change and that either Clinton or Trump will still be the next POTUS. No doubt, the latter is true and it’s going to take all of U.S. pulling together, finally setting aside our ever deepening polarization, to survive whichever one is elected. This Voters Strike could be the first step in that movement and I believe it can effect the changes we long for. I want to offer my logic, that I believe is fully sane, by presenting the empirical evidence I alluded to earlier. Continue reading


Filed under Current Events, Government, Liberty, Making a Difference, politics, Presidents, United States